
Responsible according to 5 TMG:

Management: Hubertus Didam e.K.
Neuss Local Court, HRA 6920
VAT ID No DE 119 321 873

Röckrather Weg 8

41472 Neuss
Tel. 02131/73 98 45-0
Fax 02131/73 98 45-20

MonsterSlush ™ is the owner of the trade mark registered at the DPMA under numbers 30 2008 076 818 and 39920362, MonsterSlush ™ is the owner of the trade mark MonsterSlush ™ registered at the European Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market under number 002592657 and the figurative trade mark registered under number 002592681.

We are owner of the trademark MonsterSlush ™, registered at the WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION under the international registration number 861 734.

It requires the express written consent of the management if you use our trademarks or parts of these privately or commercially in any form whatsoever. Violations will be prosecuted.

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This Internet offer serves exclusively for general information. The information presented has been regularly compiled and/or checked prior to its initial publication. Due to the general information character of the Internet offer, however, no guarantee is given for the topicality, correctness, completeness, quality or availability at any time of the information provided. The operator of the website is not liable for any damages arising from the use or non-use of the information provided. No liability is accepted for any damage caused by computer viruses or the installation or use of software when calling up or downloading data.

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2018 MonsterSlush ™. All rights reserved.

As of May 2018. All information is subject to change without notice.